III edition - 2009

Fabbri Art Award - 2009

The third edition of the Fabbri Art Award was held in 2009. Recognition went to the work Oasi by Vincenzo Cabiati from Savona, also known as a ceramist and sculptor, who has been exhibiting all over the world since 1986; to the canvas Amarené, a "story in images" set in the 1950s created by one of the protagonists of the new Roman school, Gioacchino Pontrelli; and to the resin sculpture Stabilimento by the young Sicilian artist Marco Prestia

A lifetime achievement award honored the Friulian painter Walter Fusi, a historical master who went through the whole season after the Second World War, and his work Amaro dolce. Special mention, instead, for Adriana Albertini and her installation Sweet Explosion/Dolce Esplosione

The other signatures of this third edition of the Fabbri Art Award are those of Flavio Favelli, Eloisa Gobbo, Paolo Maione, Francesca Tulli for sculpture; for photography Sabine Delafon, mido, Luisa Raffaelli, Mario Taddei; and for painting Roberto Coda Zabetta, Marco Colazzo, Francesca Forcella, Riccardo Gavazzi, Luca Giovagnoli, Elena Monzo, Roberta Savelli. 

Fabbri Art Award - 2009