III edition - 2009

Sabine Delafon

Fabbri and me

A provocative performance artist, Sabine Delafon’s work is closer to the Fluxus movement than to the ideas of Conceptualism. In each piece there is a focus on selfdepiction and an almost obsessive resort to repetition (be it of the image itself or of the very gesture of artistic creation). Here she has chosen an installation with thirty-two Fabbri glass jars. Aligned in four rows, these do not however contain the famous sweets but rather a number of photographs that suggest their good taste, colour and trade mark, or else various personal recollections of the French artist herself. Decontextualised in this manner, the Fabbri jar is lifted from the world of the confectioner’s art and establishes its place in the world of the visual arts.

Sabine Delafon