The technical exhibitionism of “photorealism” and the deception that it generates in the use of the medium (is it a photograph or a painting?) is the poetic prerogative of the work of De Biasio who, rendering the iconicity of the object extreme, transforms the reality represented from the “truest of true” into its clear opposite: the pretence has the very precise purpose of eschewing the noema of the photographic medium, “dismantling” its meaning and opening up the work to different interpretations. With Tricolore, the Morandian origin of the composition and its “metaphysics”, understood precisely as the call to a reality to which to anchor the experience beyond the phenomenic appearance of things, is interwoven with Pop Art in the choice of object and in the painterly representation, literally exhibited and functional to a provocative expressiveness. As in the No logo series, the total elimination of every reference to the brand does not remove the recognisability of the subject, allowing a kind of “traceability” of forms that, as in the case of Fabbri products, have entered the collective imagination, becoming the symbol of a sound industrial tradition, reaffirmed in its origins also by the exclusive use of the colours of the Italian flag by the artist.