The portrait genre is handled by Maugliani with amazing technical ability, re-reading the Italian painterly tradition with the hyper-realistic verisimilitude of photographic origin. The value added of the works lies in the particular poetic variation that investigates the internal psychology of the subject, scrutinising her mental and sentimental condition to arrive at an “unrevealed epiphany”, or one in the process of unveiling, of existential complexity. For Fabbrithe artist performs an operation of skin-deep overlapping betweenthe phytomorphic decoration of the brand and the human natureof the subject, as if the taste of theamarena cherries left a visibletrace on the bodies of those whohave them, a kind of innocent andcontagious “rash” that leaves youspeechless: and perhaps, from thisperspective, the title of the work,which exclaims Enjoy my silence!,also becomes comprehensible.